Ways to Give

VNA is grateful for the support of our community. Your generosity makes it possible for VNA to help people age with dignity and independence at home. By contributing to VNA, you help ensure that people who are chronically ill or disabled, recovering from illness, or in the final days of life, receive nutritious meals and medical care in the home no matter their ability to pay. Your gift today will allow people to age independently in their homes for as long as safely possible.

There are many ways to contribute to VNA:

  • Online gift: donating by credit card is secure, quick, and easy.
  • In-kind gifts: VNA welcomes toiletry items for client holiday gifts, new box fans, and new space heaters for clients.
  • Faith-based: Local communities of faith may take up special offerings or make annual pledges to sponsor a number of VNA Meals on Wheels clients or Hospice Care families each year.
  • Memorial gifts: Donations may be made to VNA in honor of loved ones in lieu of flowers.
  • Planned Gifts: VNA is able to help you estate plan with a variety of tools.
  • Gifts of Securities: You can support VNA and receive positive tax incentives by donating appreciated securities you’ve owned for more than one year as a charitable gift.
  • Host an Event to benefit VNA: Remember the FUN in FUNdraising and support VNA.
  • Employee Matching Gifts: Your gift can go even further with employee matching. Please contact Cheryl Jones Jobe at 214-689-2682 or jonesc@vnatexas.org for more information. Matching gift forms can be submitted to employeematch@vnatexas.org
    By Mail: Make check payable to VNA and mail to:
    Office of the President
    1420 W. Mockingbird Lane
    Suite 400
    Dallas, TX 75247

Contact Jennifer Austin, Managing Director of Development and Communications at 214-689-2265 or jennifer.austin@vnatexas.org for more information.

  • Friends on Wheels – Snack Bag Program We are looking for some Friends on Wheels to spread some extra love to homebound seniors! Grab your friends and family to deliver a healthy snack and a little bit of joy on the 4th Saturday of each month.

Contact Tracie Demery-Glover at (214) 689-2653 or email tracie.demery-glover@vnatexas.org to let her know your group is interested in this weekend service project.