How to decide when to put a family member on hospice?

Dear Olivia,

There are many emotions that come along with deciding to put a family member on hospice, and then even more at a loved one’s passing. We have had a few family members who were on hospice in their final days, and we are not sure what resources are available to families such as ours. We would like information about resources that may be available to process these difficult times.

-Living with Loss

Dear Living with Loss,

The grief and loss experience is unique for each individual impacted by someone’s passing away, but no one should go through the grief process alone. At the Visiting Nurse Association, we have licensed social workers, chaplains and counselors available to help families navigate the grief and loss process. We have a quarterly bereavement newsletter called Sharing the Journey, as well as other resource information on our website (link below). Our bereavement coordinators help families process the changes that come with loss, and they can offer additional community support resources as well, which are also listed here. Please take a look and contact us for further information.
